
“Arts Achieve has had a major impact on our school's capacity to use technology for formative assessment. This work pushes our content area teachers to reconsider their own practices and methods.” – High School Administrator
“Assessment practices have allowed the arts teachers to become, in some cases, exemplars for their peers to emulate and/or learn from.” – High School Administrator
"The use of technology to document work and in discussion was an added bonus. Many administrators, including the Chancellor have visited and were thrilled with our art program and the art! I hope it will be a motivating force for all the rest of the schools as Arts Achieve was to our school.” – Visual Arts Middle School Teacher
“The assessments have helped to guide and change the practice of our participating arts teacher and our non-participating teachers, as learning is shared throughout the school year.” – Middle School Administrator
“The Arts Achieve project had a positive impact on the students and arts program at my school. Students are thinking critically about their performances and often engage in conversations with each other where they provide feedback using technical terms.” – Elementary School Administrator
“Assessment Results opened our eyes to the weakness of the students and we were able to reconstruct the Lesson Units accordingly.” – Music Elementary School Teacher
“By developing an action plan and analyzing the art assessment results, my students’ achievement level in the arts has grown tremendously in all areas, especially in writing, speaking like an artist.” – Visual Arts Elementary School Teacher
“Working together with my facilitator in connection with the art assessment results has led me to change my beliefs in teaching.” – Visual Arts Elementary School Teacher
“I really felt like were allied in a common goal to create a quality curriculum and advocate for proper support.” – Theater Facilitator
“I now use clearer rubrics, and I introduce them significantly earlier in the learning process. It has had a great impact.” – Theater High School Teacher
“Through the use of formative assessment “students, grew in their abilities not to evaluate their own work and others but in expressing themselves through theatrical terminology and identification of theatrical skills and techniques.” – Theater Facilitator
“I see now the importance of having formative assessment. I'm incorporating technology to help with different types of assessment, peer to peer, self, and my own.” – Visual Arts Elementary School Teacher
“I have a clearer understanding of what is needed to implement arts programs that are aligned to high student content and academic achievement standards. I look forward to turn keying this information to the other arts specialists.” – Theater Elementary Teacher
“Arts Achieve clarified the sequencing of our arts curriculum and helped me, and the teachers, to set clear benchmark goals for students. Additionally, the workshops have been inspiring for the incorporation of technology into all classrooms.” – High School Administrator
“We have looked for ways that the routines and practices established by teachers involved in Arts Achieve can be leveraged in other content areas to support student mastery of content and learning.” – High School Administrator
"I have also found that technology has allowed my students to develop better organizational skills and expression through alternate means.” – Dance Middle School Teacher
“I was able to view the students’ work on the iPads, to grade them using rubrics, and to assess their progress and what they needed as a next step.” – Dance Elementary School Teacher
“Technology is a wonderful asset when used for self-assessment and reflecting.” – Theater Facilitator
“The early introduction of rubrics into any unit of study helped students to better understand the essential ideas and enduring understandings needed to progress to the next unit. They performed better.” – Theater High School Teacher
“One success was watching the students improve in their ability to effectively discuss music using proper terminology.” – Music Middle School Teacher